Understanding and Overcoming the Fear of Success

“How did I ever let myself end up in this position?” Ken sat heavily on the couch in my consulting room across from me, looking thoroughly weighed down by his life. He was overcome by sadness, regret, frustration, and a feeling of helplessness. His friends had encouraged Ken to get treatment for depression, but he […]

Depression and the Call to Adventure

The Hero’s Journey From the perspective of Jungian Psychology, myths and fairy tales are images of typical psychological experiences presented in story form. As Joseph Campbell demonstrated in his seminal book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, the mythological motif of the hero’s journey is one of the most ubiquitous themes in mythology.  The journey […]

Carl Jung’s Words of Advice for the Depressed

Carl Jung was a prolific letter writer. Much of Jung’s writings can be very difficult reading, particularly when he digs deep into complex subjects like alchemy. But his letters are often poetic and reveal his humanity and his passionate engagement with the struggles of living an authentic and meaningful life. The following letter, to an […]

How to Answer the Question “Am I Depressed?”

First of all, let me acknowledge that this is a complicated topic that does not allow for a simple answer. This post is not intended to be a comprehensive view of depression. Rather, I want to suggest a few things to consider if you find yourself grappling with the question, “Am I depressed?” In particular, […]